Graphic Utility Library

IDProjectTask TypeSeveritySummaryStatusOperating SystemProgress  ascAssigned To
182Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLowUnicode StringsNewAll
Task Description
3179Graphic Utility LibraryBug ReportLowTIFFReadRGBAImageOriented Premultiplication rounding er...NewWin32
Task Description TIFFReadRGBAImageOriented executes an alpha premultiplication even when the alpha value is stored as EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA. This leads to rounding errors. example: (correct mathematical rounding) gt: 226 and alpha 0.5 -> 127 read the premultiplied value: 226*127/255 = 112.56 -> 113 converting to nonpremultiplied value: 113*255/127 = 226.89 -> 227 gt: 225 and alpha 0.5 -> 127 read the premultiplied value: 225*127/255 = 112.06 -> 112 converting to nonpremultiplied value: 112*255/127 = 224.88 -> 225 so we have a difference of 1 or 0 between the ground truth and the read value after undoing the premultiplication. (incorrect mathematical rounding) gt: 226 and alpha 0.5 -> 127 read the premultiplied value: 226*127/255 = 112.56 -> 112 converting to nonpremultiplied value: 112*255/127 = 224.88 -> 224 so incorrect mathematical rounding leading to much worse results. Consider using a different way to read the tiff image (for instance ReadEncodedStrip).
3180Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLowRaw Image SupportNewWin32
Task Description use libraw to load and store raw images
153Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLowPrimary Ray GenerationNewAll
Michael Pfeuti Task Description ray generation for ray tracing
3181Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLowOpenCL image NewWin32
Task Description Design image class such that it is transparent to the user if an algorithm operates in the opencl image or the host image
3183Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLowFlag HandlingNewWin32
Task Description Add type same flag handling. See how QT implemented this. this i a clever way to do it!
3193Graphic Utility LibraryBug ReportLowFile IONewWin32
Task Description add file IO like writing to and reading from a file. this way we have less dependency on the GetData method of the String class
2912Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLowExposure Fusion AlgorithmNewAll
Task Description implement
3199Graphic Utility LibraryBug ReportLowenum classNewWin32
Task Description Implement easy usable enum class based on make sure the have int->type and type->int conversion, toString method, and iteration facility.
3197Graphic Utility LibraryBug ReportLowc++11 timingNewWin32
Task Description use instead of unix timing or glfw timing.
3187Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLowBMP Image supportNewAll
Task Description add IO for BMP files. see gimp source code how to read/write bmp files
3198Graphic Utility LibraryBug ReportLowallow float fps in video writingNewWin32
Task Description c->time_base = av_d2q(1.f/fps, 65535);
152Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLow1D - 4D noise functionNewAll
Michael Pfeuti Task Description perlin/simplex noise
 2910 Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLow wrap pugixml ClosedAll
Task Description we should not depend on pugixml classes to implement the persistance. wrap in own xml classes to keep option of changing xml backend
 3185 Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLow Video IO ClosedWin32
Task Description Realize video IO with ffmpeg/libav.
 3186 Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLow Video Class ClosedWin32
Task Description Not only provide Video IO ( FS#3185 ) but also a video class. this makes it clearer when algorithms operate an a video (sequence of image).
 3184 Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLow unsigned char image base type ClosedWin32
Task Description now we store the data as float (also RGBA class uses is based on float) make this defineable which basic type should be used
 3192 Graphic Utility LibraryBug ReportLow timing ClosedAll
Task Description timing macro that prints a timed stack trace. enable/disabled by a define switch
 3178 Graphic Utility LibraryBug ReportLow TIFF LZW/PackBits compression ClosedAll
Task Description LZW and PackBits compressed images are not read correctly. They differ slighty from the ground truth (provided in unsigned char in a header). note that the differ exactly in the same magnitude. when i write the read image in PNG it look +/- right. so there must be some systematic error. I suspect it to be the TIFFReadRGBAImageOriented function
 3191 Graphic Utility LibraryBug ReportLow remove pugi dependency in header ClosedAll
Task Description XMLAttribute etc include the pugi header in the header. this shouldn't be that way. Furthermore the conversion constructor from pugi -> gul should not be public. every thing must be done internally.
 3188 Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLow Persistent Settings  ClosedWin32
Task Description finish up TestSettingsManager
 3182 Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLow OpenGL image ClosedWin32
Task Description Design image class such that it is transparent to the user if an algorithm operates in the opengl image or the host image
 3195 Graphic Utility LibraryBug ReportLow OpenAL for audio playback ClosedWin32
Task Description Start code base for sound and audio handling. (video playback, syth., audio effects sandbox,....)
 3177 Graphic Utility LibraryBug ReportLow Mutable String ClosedAll
Task Description make string mutable. it's not worth the pain of having immutable/noncopyable strings. Especially without smart pointers. It would become easier but still you cannot write string x ("ksjcnsk"= string y = x; for(..) { y = x.Replace(...); } we need to create many instances on the heap and delete them again.
 3176 Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLow Logging ClosedAll
Task Description a logging and error reporting mechanism with different backends
 3194 Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLow Integrate glfw  ClosedWin32
Task Description Use glfw for simple window creation, gl contex, intput, timing handling
 2911 Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLow Image class ClosedAll
Task Description class to represent images. implicit data sharing is needed to avoid expensive assignment operator
 3196 Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLow GLSL Shader handling ClosedWin32
Task Description load source compile it and return a program.
 3189 Graphic Utility LibraryBug ReportLow Folder creation, existence testing, deletion ClosedWin32
Task Description Folder class to handling the mentioned operations.
 3190 Graphic Utility LibraryBug ReportLow Clean Test Output folder ClosedWin32
Michael Pfeuti Task Description the test output folder is not clear. this can lead to wrong test results
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