All Projects

ID  descProjectTask TypeSeveritySummaryStatusOperating SystemProgressAssigned To
3199Graphic Utility LibraryBug ReportLowenum classNewWin32
Task Description Implement easy usable enum class based on make sure the have int->type and type->int conversion, toString method, and iteration facility.
3198Graphic Utility LibraryBug ReportLowallow float fps in video writingNewWin32
Task Description c->time_base = av_d2q(1.f/fps, 65535);
3197Graphic Utility LibraryBug ReportLowc++11 timingNewWin32
Task Description use instead of unix timing or glfw timing.
3193Graphic Utility LibraryBug ReportLowFile IONewWin32
Task Description add file IO like writing to and reading from a file. this way we have less dependency on the GetData method of the String class
3187Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLowBMP Image supportNewAll
Task Description add IO for BMP files. see gimp source code how to read/write bmp files
3183Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLowFlag HandlingNewWin32
Task Description Add type same flag handling. See how QT implemented this. this i a clever way to do it!
3181Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLowOpenCL image NewWin32
Task Description Design image class such that it is transparent to the user if an algorithm operates in the opencl image or the host image
3180Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLowRaw Image SupportNewWin32
Task Description use libraw to load and store raw images
3179Graphic Utility LibraryBug ReportLowTIFFReadRGBAImageOriented Premultiplication rounding er...NewWin32
Task Description TIFFReadRGBAImageOriented executes an alpha premultiplication even when the alpha value is stored as EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA. This leads to rounding errors. example: (correct mathematical rounding) gt: 226 and alpha 0.5 -> 127 read the premultiplied value: 226*127/255 = 112.56 -> 113 converting to nonpremultiplied value: 113*255/127 = 226.89 -> 227 gt: 225 and alpha 0.5 -> 127 read the premultiplied value: 225*127/255 = 112.06 -> 112 converting to nonpremultiplied value: 112*255/127 = 224.88 -> 225 so we have a difference of 1 or 0 between the ground truth and the read value after undoing the premultiplication. (incorrect mathematical rounding) gt: 226 and alpha 0.5 -> 127 read the premultiplied value: 226*127/255 = 112.56 -> 112 converting to nonpremultiplied value: 112*255/127 = 224.88 -> 224 so incorrect mathematical rounding leading to much worse results. Consider using a different way to read the tiff image (for instance ReadEncodedStrip).
2912Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLowExposure Fusion AlgorithmNewAll
Task Description implement
182Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLowUnicode StringsNewAll
Task Description
181Iocaste EditorBug ReportLowRemove IDs from the xml import/exportNewAll
Task Description We don't need to manage the IDs in the code. the ID's are only necessary during the loading process to make sure we rebuild the correct pointer relationships. Thus, the exporter should manage the creation of the IDs.
180Iocaste EditorBug ReportLowFix TransformationsNewAll
Michael Pfeuti Task Description use gcdc and its affine transform
178Iocaste EditorBug ReportLowDefault text fontNewAll
Task Description in show text you always have to select the font
177Iocaste EditorBug ReportMediumedit object deletes actionsNewWin32
Task Description when an object has action and its image is edited it loses its actions (see objecteditdialog in OnOk() there we create a new action instead of editing the old)
176Iocaste EditorFeature RequestMediumxml exportNewAll
Task Description replace whitespaces in strings with _
175Iocaste EditorBug ReportLowaction affect only local layer/pic after exportNewWin32
Task Description for example move area in another picture should place a flag where the area has moved to. then the on enter actions should respect these flags
174Iocaste EditorBug ReportLowGame Creation WizardNewWin32
Task Description when creating a game certain information should be given that do not change - the possible acitons (talk to, go to, ...) - the intentory style (MI1, MI2 static or MI3 right click popup or MI5 button open) and also the area where the intentory pops up
173Iocaste EditorFeature RequestLowDefault ActionsNewAll
Task Description when no action is specified then a default action should be used ("no, I don't want to" "Not right now", and so on)
172Iocaste EditorBug ReportLowIntroduce SharedPointersNewAll
Task Description
171Iocaste EditorBug ReportLowHierarchy/groups for inventory item/objectsNewAll
Task Description to organise all items allow the user to put them in groups. same is should also be possible for objects/characters in the character/object pool
169Iocaste EditorFeature RequestLowCharacter Scaling in PanelsNewAll
Task Description when an object is made into a character it should be displayed the way it will appear in the game. Thus, it is necessary to scale it according to its position and relative size to the Dummy.
168Iocaste EditorFeature RequestLowParallel vs. Serial Action SequencesNewAll
Task Description Action Preferences Dialog: Each action is in a block of parallel action sequences. It is possible to arrange parallel sequences in a serial sequence. Each action gets the number of its sequence for saving. Actions are listed in a table. Each action gets a number. Actions with the same number are executed parallel.
167Iocaste EditorFeature RequestLowCharacter/object PoolAssignedAll
Michael Pfeuti Task Description add all created characters in a pool from where the user can drag and drop an existin character into a new scene make it optional. sometimes we want instancing (when we modify one, all are changed) and sometimes we want independent copies. Of course some properties should be allowed to change like position.
153Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLowPrimary Ray GenerationNewAll
Michael Pfeuti Task Description ray generation for ray tracing
152Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLow1D - 4D noise functionNewAll
Michael Pfeuti Task Description perlin/simplex noise
151Iocaste EditorBug ReportLowupdate references of items when copy/cut themNewAll
Task Description
141Iocaste EditorFeature RequestLowDialog systemNewAll
Task Description possibilty to design and edit dialogs for charaters/etc - code completion for reacting on items in inventory - per action (look at, talk to, pick up,...) one tab - each tab holds a textfield which contains the whole dialog - [itemname] for enabling dialog options when item itemname is in inventory - add label for specifying action trigger at certain dialogs (f.e. [actionname] at the end of the line of a dialog - Deal with going back in the tree (last dialog option always goes back one level - add labels which can be jumped to at the beginning of a dialog line - in the dialog editor keep a list of all available (were created in this editor +/- action) actions for this dialog
135UniGameFeature RequestLowtalking hauswartNewWin32
Brige Task Description hauswart sprechend
134UniGameFeature RequestLowidle hauswartNewWin32
Brige Task Description hauswart
133UniGameFeature RequestLowIdle StatischteNewWin32
Brige Task Description Diverse Statisten für 3OG etc.
130UniGameFeature RequestLowDealing Ringli Dealer NewWin32
Brige Task Description Interaktion mit ringli dealer
128UniGameFeature RequestLowTaking/Giving Something WulliNewWin32
Brige Task Description Wulli gibt/nimmt etwas. Interaktion mit Deif.
127UniGameFeature RequestLowTalking WulliNewWin32
Brige Task Description Sprechender Wulli von vorne
126UniGameFeature RequestLowIdle WulliNewWin32
Brige Task Description Wulli am Tisch in der Mensa am Poker spielen
124UniGameFeature RequestLowTaking/Giving Money MensafrouNewWin32
Brige Task Description Mensafrou gibt oder nimmt Geld oder ähnliches.
123UniGameFeature RequestLowIdle MensafrouNewWin32
Brige Task Description Gelangweilte mensafrou
122UniGameFeature RequestLowTalking MensafrouNewWin32
Brige Task Description Mensafrou sprechend von der Seite
108UniGameFeature RequestLowSleeping DeifNewWin32
Brige Task Description Semester 0: Schlafender Deif, Träumt von Matura
107xfce4-linelight-pluginFeature RequestMediumOption to set the search field at the top of the lineli...AssignedLinux
Michael Pfeuti Task Description Can you add an option to set the search field at the top or the bottom of linelight? This is useful depending on the position of the xfce4-panel (whether it's at the top or bottom of the screen).
106UniGameFeature RequestLowAbspannNewWin32
Task Description Erhalten der Bachelordiploms und Ausblick auf die Fortsetzung (Masterstudium)
105UniGameFeature RequestLowSommer 3 UmziehenNewWin32
Task Description Wohnung muss vorher gefunden werden (während Semester 6). Pinnwand beim Kaffeeautomaten hilft mit einem Inserat (das richtige wählen). Beleidigungsfechten am Telefon. Genügend Helfer finden, lassen sich mit den gefundenen Zuckerostereiern bestechen um zu helfen.
104UniGameFeature RequestLowS6 Endgegner AdministrationNewWin32
Task Description Nebenfach IV Nachweis beschaffen - RAM ausbauen, damit Sekretärin keinen Kaffee mehr trinkt und Zeit hat, den Ausweis auszustellen. • Math. Nachweis beschaffen • Hauptfachnachweis beschaffen • Fehlende 5 ETCS - Es werden 3 Vorlesungen (AFS, DB, DA) ausnahmsweise Angeboten, geben aber keine ECTS - Finden der Vorlesung „Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten“
103UniGameFeature RequestLowS6 BTNewWin32
Task Description Drucken der Bachelorthesis in der Kopierzentrale, Druckzentrale ist extrem beschäftig und hat keine Zeit um die BT zu drucken. Formular ausfüllen, Stempel drauf, oben auf den Stapel legen (zB. Mit Ablenkung). So wird die BT gedruckt.
102UniGameFeature RequestLowS6 Kaffeebeschaffungsqueste 5NewWin32
Task Description Koffeintabletten übers Internet bestellen, weil Kaffee/Expresso nicht mehr ausreicht.
101UniGameFeature RequestLowS5 CGNewWin32
Task Description Algorithmus um sich korrekt zu bewegen im Zimmer während der Prüfung. Mit Hilfe des Bresenhamalgorithmus sich über das Schachbrett (Pulte im Raum) richtig nach vorne bewegen, um die Prüfung abzugeben. Bei Fehler stürzt man durch den Boden (durchfallen).
100UniGameFeature RequestLowS5 KINewWin32
Task Description Roboter bauen, KI Baustein finden und einsetzen. Parcours richtig konfigurieren, Tore öffnen und schliessen, damit Roboter durch den Parcours kommt.
99UniGameFeature RequestLowS5 MMSNewWin32
Task Description MMS Prüfung nicht als letzte Prüfung. X Objekte liegen auf dem Tisch, man muss 5 davon wählen. Die Wahl ist beliebig und führt zum Erfolg der Prüfung. Nach den anderen Prüfungen dieses Semesters kommt eine Mensa-Game-Design-Session in welcher definiert wird, welche 5 Objekte die Spieler in diesem Spiel in der Vorlesung MMS an der Prüfung wählen müssen, damit sie bestehen. Spieler muss die früher gewählten 5 erneut nennen. Möglichkeit auf Definition der Arbeit für die Bachelorthesis.
98UniGameFeature RequestLowS5 Kaffeebeschaffungsqueste 4NewWin32
Task Description Nur „Ich brauche einen Kaffee.“ Man kann ihn ohne Probleme hohlen. Es braucht jedoch mind. 2 Expresso um Fit zu sein.
97UniGameFeature RequestLowSommer 2 ArbeitenNewWin32
Task Description - Job muss vorher (während Semester 4) gefunden werden. Pinnwand neben dem Kaffeeautomaten. Ist aber unordentlich. Herausfinden wegen dem Datum auf den Zetteln. Hauswart darauf aufmerksam machen, dass alte Zettel entsorgt werden. So kann der richtige Job gefunden werden. - Bewerbungsgespräch. Es ist nötig sich dafür mit einer Gabel aus der Mensa zu kämmen und einem JUS Student eine Krawatte zu stehlen. Von nun an hat man keine Geldprobleme mehr. (zB. neues Notebook)
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