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IDProjectTask TypeSeveritySummaryStatus  descOperating SystemProgressAssigned To
 3176 Graphic Utility LibraryFeature RequestLow Logging ClosedAll
Task Description a logging and error reporting mechanism with different backends
 3177 Graphic Utility LibraryBug ReportLow Mutable String ClosedAll
Task Description make string mutable. it's not worth the pain of having immutable/noncopyable strings. Especially without smart pointers. It would become easier but still you cannot write string x ("ksjcnsk"= string y = x; for(..) { y = x.Replace(...); } we need to create many instances on the heap and delete them again.
 3178 Graphic Utility LibraryBug ReportLow TIFF LZW/PackBits compression ClosedAll
Task Description LZW and PackBits compressed images are not read correctly. They differ slighty from the ground truth (provided in unsigned char in a header). note that the differ exactly in the same magnitude. when i write the read image in PNG it look +/- right. so there must be some systematic error. I suspect it to be the TIFFReadRGBAImageOriented function
 3191 Graphic Utility LibraryBug ReportLow remove pugi dependency in header ClosedAll
Task Description XMLAttribute etc include the pugi header in the header. this shouldn't be that way. Furthermore the conversion constructor from pugi -> gul should not be public. every thing must be done internally.
 3192 Graphic Utility LibraryBug ReportLow timing ClosedAll
Task Description timing macro that prints a timed stack trace. enable/disabled by a define switch
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