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IDProject  descTask TypeSeveritySummaryStatusOperating SystemProgressAssigned To
28xfce4-linelight-pluginBug ReportLowgeneral refactoringNewAll
Task Description use gthreads and other gtk specific methods
29xfce4-linelight-pluginBug ReportLowaccelerate link creationNewAll
Task Description make creation of folder with links (when clicking on section name) faster
 32 xfce4-linelight-pluginBug ReportLow email test task ClosedWin32
Task Description asd
40xfce4-linelight-pluginBug ReportLowMemory leakNewWin32
Task Description memory leak with list items
27xfce4-linelight-pluginFeature RequestLowkeybindingNewAll
Task Description possibility to open the search window by a shortcut (definable through xfce)
 132 UniGameBug ReportLow Deif's room ClosedWin32
Task Description
17Iocaste Game EngineBug ReportLowResolution settingNewAll
Task Description resize pictures and area to correct resolution. solve this with a special action.
45Iocaste Game EngineFeature RequestLowSoundsNewAll
Task Description add sound
 2 Iocaste EditorBug ReportLow flickering with rightclick on tabs ClosedLinux
Michael Pfeuti Task Description the whole tab panel gets reloaded and therefore flickering. previously selected tab is unselected.
3Iocaste EditorBug ReportVery Lowimage zoomNewLinux
Task Description initial image zoom is not fit to screen
 5 Iocaste EditorBug ReportVery Low rearrangement of sash panels ClosedAll
Task Description when app starts the rearrangement of sash panels can be seen
 11 Iocaste EditorBug ReportHigh loading save game ClosedAll
Brige Task Description the loading process seems to work but some data is not filled properly (f.e. missing areas). This results in nullpointer errors
 18 Iocaste EditorBug ReportLow progressbar while loading saved game ClosedAll
Michael Pfeuti Task Description progressbar while loading saved game
 19 Iocaste EditorBug ReportLow open game adds imgs to current game ClosedAll
Michael Pfeuti Task Description open game adds imgs to current game and does not create a new game.
 34 Iocaste EditorBug ReportLow Action Order ClosedAll
Michael Pfeuti Task Description Only first layer can be managed
 35 Iocaste EditorBug ReportLow Crash when action del ClosedAll
Michael Pfeuti Task Description When an action area (not in layer 0) is selected in the list and deleted => crash
 36 Iocaste EditorBug ReportLow Memory Management (Assigned Img) ClosedAll
Michael Pfeuti Task Description The only open Images should be the one of the current Picture.
 37 Iocaste EditorBug ReportMedium Crash beacause of Saving ClosedAll
Brige Task Description When not all information of a action (PictureStateChange and PictureChange) are given => Chash
38Iocaste EditorBug ReportMediumresolve index battleNewAll
Task Description there are many index attributes which seem obsolete. the index of a layer isn't assigned correctly. either use only indices as unique identifiers or name. but don't mix decision 06.02.2011: - use indices
 39 Iocaste EditorBug ReportHigh MemoryLeaks due to Duplicate method ClosedWin32
Michael Pfeuti Task Description change duplicate method to a copy constructor (issue occurs with the clipboard structure and the actions)
 147 Iocaste EditorBug ReportHigh no selection (pic/area) possible ClosedAll
Michael Pfeuti Task Description it is possible to deselect everything in the two list. this results in a chrash (we assume that there is always a pic selected when we can select a area)
151Iocaste EditorBug ReportLowupdate references of items when copy/cut themNewAll
Task Description
 156 Iocaste EditorBug ReportLow Replace Duplicate with Copy Constructor ClosedAll
Michael Pfeuti Task Description this includes memory leak fixing there are many places that cause memory leaks because I was too lazy to do it properly CAUTION: for the duplication of abstract instances we need this method. when we have a AbstractAction and we want to duplicate it we cannot use the copy constructor.
 157 Iocaste EditorBug ReportHigh animation is not copied with a copy of an object ClosedAll
Michael Pfeuti Task Description
 162 Iocaste EditorBug ReportLow Animation Speed control ClosedAll
Michael Pfeuti Task Description it should be possible to specify at how many fps an animation should be replayed
171Iocaste EditorBug ReportLowHierarchy/groups for inventory item/objectsNewAll
Task Description to organise all items allow the user to put them in groups. same is should also be possible for objects/characters in the character/object pool
172Iocaste EditorBug ReportLowIntroduce SharedPointersNewAll
Task Description
174Iocaste EditorBug ReportLowGame Creation WizardNewWin32
Task Description when creating a game certain information should be given that do not change - the possible acitons (talk to, go to, ...) - the intentory style (MI1, MI2 static or MI3 right click popup or MI5 button open) and also the area where the intentory pops up
175Iocaste EditorBug ReportLowaction affect only local layer/pic after exportNewWin32
Task Description for example move area in another picture should place a flag where the area has moved to. then the on enter actions should respect these flags
177Iocaste EditorBug ReportMediumedit object deletes actionsNewWin32
Task Description when an object has action and its image is edited it loses its actions (see objecteditdialog in OnOk() there we create a new action instead of editing the old)
178Iocaste EditorBug ReportLowDefault text fontNewAll
Task Description in show text you always have to select the font
180Iocaste EditorBug ReportLowFix TransformationsNewAll
Michael Pfeuti Task Description use gcdc and its affine transform
181Iocaste EditorBug ReportLowRemove IDs from the xml import/exportNewAll
Task Description We don't need to manage the IDs in the code. the ID's are only necessary during the loading process to make sure we rebuild the correct pointer relationships. Thus, the exporter should manage the creation of the IDs.
 4 Iocaste EditorFeature RequestLow move areas between layers ClosedAll
Michael Pfeuti Task Description add a menu item to move areas between layers to the right click menu of the action areas.
 6 Iocaste EditorFeature RequestLow Sound action ClosedAll
Michael Pfeuti Task Description an action that play a sound file
 7 Iocaste EditorFeature RequestLow background sound  ClosedAll
Michael Pfeuti Task Description assign background sound to a image
8Iocaste EditorFeature RequestLowstart menu for gameNewAll
Task Description set the welcome screen of the exported game. (new game, load, settings, ...)
9Iocaste EditorFeature RequestLowvideo actionNewAll
Task Description action that play a video file
 10 Iocaste EditorFeature RequestLow action area with image ClosedAll
Michael Pfeuti Task Description so far action areas are invisible in the final game. it should be possible that a area shows an image. By this, one image is not so static. it should also be possible to change to images through an action event. exp: open door vs. closed door
12Iocaste EditorFeature RequestLowmagic wand selecting color basedNewAll
Task Description see magic wand selecting contrast based
13Iocaste EditorFeature RequestLowmagic wand selecting contrast basedNewAll
Task Description auto selection of areas with a similar contrast. this eases the task of marking action ares. it should be possible to change the constrast treshold during selection.
14Iocaste EditorFeature RequestLowstart current game from editorNewAll
Task Description start game, and load current scene
15Iocaste EditorFeature RequestLowhierarchy for pictureNewAll
Task Description folder structure for pictures, otherwise one get lost easily with many pictures
16Iocaste EditorFeature RequestLowcustom cursersNewAll
Task Description allow user to set custom cursors for the game this also includes an action to change the cursor
 20 Iocaste EditorFeature RequestLow undo and redo feature ClosedAll
Task Description possibility to undo and redo actions
 21 Iocaste EditorFeature RequestLow disable buttons ClosedAll
Michael Pfeuti Task Description disable buttons which cannot be pressed at the moment
22Iocaste EditorFeature RequestLowValidation of actionsNewAll
Task Description when a game should be exported it would be wise to check if the actions of one area do not contradict each other. for instance one action says goto image 1 another says goto image 2. => uncertain behavior.
 33 Iocaste EditorFeature RequestLow Start external Image Editor ClosedAll
Michael Pfeuti Task Description start gimp etc directly from within iocaste
41Iocaste EditorFeature RequestLowDo/Undo featureNewAll
Task Description standard do undo buttons
42Iocaste EditorFeature RequestLowcommand line featuresNewAll
Task Description for example pass the file name of a project
Showing tasks 1 - 50 of 105 Page 1 of 31 - 2 - 3 -

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